“…PE of the anorectal region and other systems was unremarkable. Some laboratory test results were as follows: leukocyte count: 6,700/ mm 3 , hemoglobin: 12.4 gr/dL, platelets : 234,000 /mm 3 , CRP: 14.2 mg/L, amylase: 109 U/L , lipase: 196 U/L (N:7-39), aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 27 U/L, alanine aminotransferase (ALT):34 U/L, ESH:20 mm/h, B12: 250 pg/mL, folic acid: 3.44 ng/ml, ferritin: 17 ng/mL, vitamin D: 38 ng/mL, serum immunglobulin (Ig) G:13.70 g/L, Ig A: 2.09 g/L, Ig M: 0.92 g/L, IgG4: 2.117 g/L (N: 0.110-1.570). Other biochemical parameters, cystic fibrosis gene, cationic trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor gene mutations were normal, viral panel (CMV, rubella, EBV, toxoplasma, hepatitis A,B), ANA, ANCA, ASCA autoantibodies and PPD test were negative.…”