We introduce new mathematical aspects of the Bell states using matrix factorizations, nonnoetherian singularities, and noncommutative blowups. A matrix factorization of a polynomial p consists of two matrices 1 ; 2 such that 1 2 ¼ 2 1 ¼ p id. Using this notion, we show how the Bell states emerge from the separable product of two mixtures, by de¯ning pure states over complex matrices rather than just the complex numbers. We then show in an idealized algebraic setting that pure states are supported on non-noetherian singularities. Moreover, wē nd that the collapse of a Bell state is intimately related to the representation theory of the noncommutative blowup along its singular support. This presents an exchange in geometry: the nonlocal commutative spacetime of the entangled state emerges from an underlying local noncommutative spacetime.