We systematically classify 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS equations in SUSY gauge theories in d = 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 with eight supercharges, with gauge groups and matter contents being arbitrary. Instantons (strings) and vortices (3-branes) are only allowed 1/2 BPS solitons in d = 6 with N = 1 SUSY. We find two 1/4 BPS equations and the unique 1/8 BPS equation in d = 6 by considering configurations made of these field theory branes. All known BPS equations are rederived while many new 1/4 and 1/8 BPS equations are found in dimension less than six by dimensional reductions.Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) states [1] are the most important ingredients for recent developments in non-perturbative aspects of supersymmetric (SUSY) field theory, string theory and M-theory. This is because they saturate lower energy bound called the Bogomol'nyi bound, break/preserve half supercharges, belong to short multiplets of supersymmetry, and therefore are non-perturbatively stable [2]. Their masses (tension) appear as central (tensorial) charges in the SUSY algebras. D-branes are such objects in string theory [3]. D-brane configurations made of various dimensional D-branes and NS5-branes are very powerful tools to study non-perturbative aspects of SUSY field theory realized on some D-branes [4]. These brane configurations can be obtained from configuration made of M5-and M2-branes in M-theory through various dualities. Therefore classifying possible configuration of M5-and M2-branes is important. Such classification including possible angles between branes was established in [5]. In the field theory side, there exist four kinds of fundamental 1/2 BPS solitons [6, 7]; instantons [8, 9] 1 , monopoles [1, 10, 11, 12], vortices [13]-[17] and domain walls [18]-[30], which are of co-dimension four, three, two and one, respectively. 2 These BPS solitons can be regarded as "field theory branes". In fact, recently, many kinds of 1/4 BPS composite states of several BPS solitons, resembling with D-brane configurations in string theory, have been found in SUSY gauge field theories (or hyper-Kähler sigma models) with eight supercharges in d = 3, 4, 5 [37]-[55]. Further study of similarity between branes in string/M theory and branes in field theory is earnestly desired. However it has not been classified yet what kinds of composite solitons are allowed for BPS states in field theories with eight supercharges.The purpose of this paper is systematically classifying possible 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS equations in SUSY gauge theories in d = 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 with eight supercharges, with gauge groups and matter contents being arbitrary. First of all we find that only instantons (strings) and vortices (3-1 Instantons are 1/2 BPS states if embedded into four-dimensional Euclidean space in d = 5, N = 2 (N = 1) SUSY gauge theories with sixteen (eight) supercharges. 2 In addition to these fundamental solitons, there exist several associated solitons: they are an instanton and a monopole with electric flux, called a dyonic instanton [31] and a dyon [32], respective...