Abstract. We present inverse problems of nonparametric statistics which have a performing and smart solution using projection estimators on bases of functions with non compact support, namely, a Laguerre basis or a Hermite basis. The models are Yi = XiUi, Zi = Xi + Σi, where the Xi's are i.i.d. with unknown density f , the Σi's are i.i.d. with known density fΣ, the Ui's are i.i.d. with uniform density on [0, 1]. The sequences (Xi), (Ui), (Σi) are independent. We define projection estimators of f in the two cases of indirect observations of (X1, . . . , Xn), and we give upper bounds for their L 2 -risks on specific Sobolev-Laguerre or Sobolev-Hermite spaces. Data-driven procedures are described and proved to perform automatically the bias variance compromise.