Volatility clustering and leverage are two of the most prominent features of the dynamics of asset prices. In order to incorporate these features as well as the typical fat-tails of the log return distributions, several types of exponential Lévy models driven by random clocks have been proposed in the literature, providing with a viable alternative to the classical stochastic volatility approach based on SDEs driven by Wiener processes. This paper has two main contributions. First, using a threshold type estimators based on high-frequency discrete observations of the process, we consider the recovery problem of the underlying random clock of the process. We show consistency of our estimator in the mean-square sense, extending former results in the literature for more general Lévy processes and for irregular sampling schemes. Secondly, we illustrate empirically the estimation of the random clock, the Blumenthal-Geetor index of jump activity, and the spectral Lévy measure of the process using intraday high-frequency data.