The criticality of the low-frequency conductivity for the bilayer quantum Heisenberg model was investigated numerically. The dynamical conductivity (associated with the O(3) symmetry) displays the inductor σ(ω) = (iωL) −1 and capacitor iωC behaviors for the ordered and disordered phases, respectively. Both constants, C and L, have the same scaling dimension as that of the reciprocal paramagnetic gap ∆ −1 . Then, there arose a question to fix the set of critical amplitude ratios among them. So far, the O(2) case has been investigated in the context of the boson-vortex duality. In this paper, we employ the exact diagonalization method, which enables us to calculate the paramagnetic gap ∆ directly. Thereby, the set of critical amplitude ratios as to C, L and ∆ are estimated with the finite-size-scaling analysis for the cluster with N ≤ 34 spins.PACS. 75.10.Jm Quantized spin models -05.70.Jk Critical point phenomena -75.40.Mg Numerical simulation studies -05.50.+q Lattice theory and statistics (Ising, Potts, etc.)