High momentum partons lose energy in the QGP that is produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC, indicated by the fact that jets from these partons are broadened and less energetic when compared to jets in p + p collisions. This in turn indicates that measurements of jet broadening and energy loss provide important insights to the transport properties of the QGP. In PHENIX, information about the jet width and energy loss is extracted from two-particle angular correlation functions of neutral pions and charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions. Background flow is subtracted from the correlation functions of Au+Au data with measured flow harmonic coefficients (v n) from PHENIX. Acoustic Scaling is used to estimate the higher order (n = 3, 4) vn values, which have not been measured at high p T at RHIC. The comparison of Au+Au to p + p results shows jet broadening and away side enhancement in the low associated p T region. Details of the Au+Au analysis, the latest results in small systems, and physics implications are discussed. 13th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era March 19th 2019 Knoxville, Tennessee * Speaker.