The water and dissolved inorganic carbon exported by rivers are important net fluxes that connect terrestrial and oceanic water and carbon reservoirs 1 . For most rivers, the majority of dissolved inorganic carbon is in the form of bicarbonate. The riverine bicarbonate flux originates mainly from the dissolution of rock minerals by soil water carbon dioxide, a process called chemical weathering, which controls the buffering capacity and mineral content of receiving streams and rivers 2 . Here we introduce an unprecedented high-temporal-resolution, 100-year data set from the Mississippi River and couple it with sub-watershed and precipitation data to reveal that the large increase in bicarbonate flux that has occurred over the past 50 years (ref.3) is clearly anthropogenically driven. We show that the increase in bicarbonate and water fluxes is caused mainly by an increase in discharge from agricultural watersheds that has not been balanced by a rise in precipitation, which is also relevant to nutrient and pesticide fluxes to the Gulf of Mexico. These findings demonstrate that alterations in chemical weathering are relevant to improving contemporary biogeochemical budgets. Furthermore, land use change and management were arguably more important than changes in climate and plant CO 2 fertilization to increases in riverine water and carbon export from this large region over the past 50 years.The riverine bicarbonate flux is a sink for atmospheric CO 2 and a small but important net flux in terrestrial systems. In the preindustrial era, chemical weathering of silicate versus carbonate minerals sequestered CO 2 for disparate timescales owing to carbonate deposition in the oceans, with silicate weathering sequestering atmospheric CO 2 for millions of years and carbonate weathering for only tens to hundreds of thousands of years 4 . Oceanic acidification 5 , however, has changed the solubility of CaCO 3 , and considerably lengthened the timescale for CO 2 sequestration by carbonate weathering. Although the positive feedbacks between global change and chemical weathering are used in geochemical models of atmospheric CO 2 (ref. 6), these feedbacks are believed to operate on long timescales and are therefore generally left out of the current discussion on human alterations of the carbon budget. Current global carbon budgets, for example, assume that pre-and post-anthropogenic riverine carbon fluxes are equal 1 .