The multiaxial fatigue behaviour of materials with different ductility under constant and changing principal stress directions is also applicable to welded joints of different materials. For this, welded flange tube connections of the fine grained steel StE 460 and the artificially aged aluminium alloy AlSilMgMn T6 were investigated under constant amplitude combined bending and torsion. Out-of-phase loading, i.e. changing principal stress directions, of the steel joints led to a decrease of fatigue life, which is observed at ductile material states. However, for the aluminium joints out-of-phase loading resulted same behaviour as in-phase loading, which indicates a semi-ductile material behaviour. The results for the welded steel joints were evaluated on basis of local stresses by the integral hypothesis of the Effective Equivalent Stress EES (WVS). This hypothesis for ductile material states takes into account the life decreasing influence of out-of-phase loading by considering the interaction of the shear stresses on different planes. The fatigue behaviour of the aluminium welds is described by the critical plane based combination of shear and normal stresses (KoNoS), which is valid for semi-ductile material states