We propose a scheme for realizing broadband and tunable transmission non-reciprocity by utilizing two-photon near-resonant transitions in thermal atoms as single-photon far-detuned transitions can be eliminated. Our basic idea is to largely reduce the Doppler broadenings on a pair of two-photon, probe and coupling, transitions and meanwhile make the only four-photon transition Doppler-free (velocity-dependent) for a forward (backward) probe field. One main advantage of this scheme lies in that the transmission non-reciprocity can be realized and manipulated in a frequency range typically exceeding $200$ MHz with isolation ratio above $20$ dB and insertion loss below $1.0$ dB by modulating an assistant field in frequency and amplitude. The intersecting angle between four applied fields also serves as an effective control knob to optimize the nonreciprocal transmission of a forward or backward probe field, e.g. in a much wider frequency range approaching $1.4$ GHz.