“…This paper is an interesting and comprehensive overview of the published literature on the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of TBNI, with special emphasis on its role in the management of various pathological conditions using specifi c injectable agents. Surprisingly, TBNI has not gained much popularity amongst bronchoscopists, resulting in no randomized controlled trials that can effectively demonstrate its potential value as an armament in the pulmonologists' fi ght against various respiratory diseases.In contrast, this technique is widely used effectively by our gastroenterology colleagues as a management modality for a variety of digestive tract diseases: ethoxysclerol [2] , human thrombin [3] , histoacryl [4] or polidocanol [5] for bleeding peptic ulcers, botulinum for achalasia [6] , Nbutyl-2-cyanoacrylate for pancreatic fi stulas [7] , inert implantable materials and non-resorbable copolymers for gastroesophageal refl ux disease [8,9] , enbucrilate for mycotic aneurysms [10] , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or photocrosslinkable chitosan for cancer or polyp resection [11,12] , or alcohol, various anticancer agents and local immunotherapy for digestive tract cancers [13] , to mention a few.The reason for this disparity between gastroenterologists and pulmonologists is unclear. One may postulate that there are more gastroenterologists with expertise in…”