Confluent monolayers of epithelial cells grown on nonporous support form fluid-filled hemicysts called domes, which reflect active ion transport across the epithelium. Clara-like H441 lung adenocarcinoma cells grown on glass supports and exposed to 50 nM dexamethasone developed domes in a time-dependent fashion. Uplifting of small groups of cells occurred within 6 -12 h, well formed domes appeared between 24 and 48 h, and after 7 days, individual domes started to merge. Cells inside of domes compared with those outside domes, or with monolayers not exposed to dexamethasone, differed by higher surfactant production, an increased cytokeratin expression, and the localization of claudin-4 proteins to the plasma membrane. In patch clamp studies, amiloride-blockable sodium currents were detected exclusively in cells inside domes, whereas in cells outside of domes, sodium crossed the membrane through La 3؉ -sensitive nonspecific cation channels. Cells grown on permeable support without dexamethasone expressed amiloride-sensitive currents only after tight electrical coupling was achieved (transepithelial electrical resistance (R t ) > 1 kilohm). In real-time quantitative PCR experiments, the addition of dexamethasone increased the content of claudin-4, occludin, and Na ؉ channel ␥-subunit (␥-ENaC) mRNAs by 1.34-, 1.32-, and 1.80-fold, respectively, after 1 h and was followed by an increase at 6 h in the content of mRNA of ␣-and -ENaC and of ␣1-and 1-Na,K-ATPase. In the absence of dexamethasone, neither change in gene expression nor cell uplifting was observed. Our data suggest that during epithelial differentiation, coordinated expression of tight junction proteins precedes the development of vectorial transport of sodium, which in turn leads to the fluid accumulation in basolateral spaces that is responsible for dome formation.Epithelial tissues typically transport ions and water between two compartments. After forming confluent monolayers when grown in vitro, several ion transporting epithelia form fluidfilled hemicysts, or domes (1-3). These domes appear in small areas where cells detach from the underlying glass or plastic surface upon which the cells are plated. Presumably, the apical to basolateral transport of fluid increases the fluid volume underneath the monolayer causing the appearance of domes. This in vitro culture system can be exploited uniquely to study the development of epithelial polarity, junctional formation, transport function, and cell-substrate interactions that are required for fluid accumulation between the monolayer and the underlying surface. The cells found in the domes are polarized, contain markers of epithelial differentiation, including tight junctions and gap junctional intercellular communications, and stain positively for cytokeratins (2-4). Whether morphological differentiation of cells forming domes correlates with the functional maturation of transepithelial ion transport is not known.The Clara-like H441 lung papillary adenocarcinoma cell line has been used as a glucocorticoid-an...