In this paper we introduce and study a categorical action of the positive part of the Heisenberg Lie algebra on categories of modules over rational Cherednik algebras associated to symmetric groups. We show that the generating functor for this action is exact. We then produce a categorical Heisenberg action on the categories O and show it is the same as one constructed by Shan and Vasserot. Finally, we reduce modulo a large prime p. We show that the functors constituting the action of the positive half of the Heisenberg algebra send simple objects to semisimple ones, and we describe these semisimple objects. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Rational Cherednik algebras 2.1. Definition 2.2. Category O 2.3. Bezrukavnikov-Etingof functors 2.4. Supports 2.5. Shan-Vasserot construction 2.6. Local system of restrictions 3. Quantum Hamiltonian reduction 3.1. Algebra isomorphism 3.2. Etale lifts, I 3.3. Comparison of isomorphisms 3.4. Parametrization of simples 4. Parabolic induction of D-modules 4.1. Categories of equivariant D-modules 4.2. Inverse and direct images 4.3. Induction functors 4.4. Supports 4.5. Application to spherical Cherednik algebras 4.6. Translation and wall-crossing bimodules 5. Heisenberg generator functor 5.1. D-module M ′ λ 5.2. Basics on Harish-Chandra bimodules 5.3. Harish-Chandra bimodules and induction 5.4. Etale lifts, II 5.5. Proof of Proposition 5.7 5.6. Compatibility with wall-crossing 6. Functors between categories O 6.1. Construction and main result 1 2