“…Therefore, as and (1) is solved in a weak sense. We refer to the original papers [9,14,15] for the basic definitions in this nonsmooth context; this theory has been widely used for different problems related to quasilinear elliptic equations of the kind of (1), see [3,4,9,10,13]. Under suitable assumptions on the functions a ij , g and p, in this paper we prove the existence of positive solutions of (1) in bounded and unbounded domains Ω: making use of the techniques introduced in [21], we prove our results for a wide class of subcritical perturbations g. As far as we are aware, very few results concerning (1) are known: apart the already mentioned case with p(x) ≡ 1 on bounded domains [4], we refer to [24] where a minimization problem related to (1) is solved for Ω = IR n and to [27] for a similar problem in a bounded domain.…”