The photolysis of 2-methylcyclohexanone has been studied in the gas phase a t 313 nm, mainly at 100°C, over a range of pressures. The Hg(63P1) photosensitized decomposition has also been investigated at 100°C. Under conditions of high excitation and/or little collisional quenching the major products are carbon monoxide and the hydrocarbons: 1-hexene, trans-and cis-2-hexene and methylcyclopentane, with minor aldehyde formation. The various product ratios are presented in tabular form. At lower excitation energies, and with increased collisional deactivation, trans-and cis-5-heptenal become important products, and the translcis aldehyde ratio is seen to be slightly pressure dependent when all the systems are compared. Similarly, there is a small pressure dependence for the X hexenes/methylcyclopentane ratio. From experiments at 250°C the temperature dependence of this ratio was established, and for thermalized hexane-1,5diyl an activation energy difference (Ed -E,) = -1.3 kcal mo1-I has been determined for the disproportionation and combination of the biradical. The mechanism for the photolysis is discussed in terms of triplet state photochemistry and biradical intermediates as