period. An early study (Reddy and Daynard, 1983) showed that the number of endosperm cells was es-In maize (Zea mays L.), the negative effects of increased stand tablished during the lag phase, and that this number densities on final kernel weight (KW) are attributed to reductions in was related to kernel sink potential (Jones et al., 1985). the effective grain-filling period, and not in kernel growth rate. This suggests that competition for assimilates among kernels only occurs atOn the other hand, in an in vitro study, Hanft et al. the last stages of grain filling. To test this hypothesis, two commercial (1986) observed that assimilate supply during the grainhybrids of different KW were grown at two stand densities (3 and 9 filling period affected final KW, regardless of endoplants m Ϫ2 ) during 1998 to 1999 and 1999 to 2000. Pollination treatsperm cell number. Similar results were obtained with ments were performed in order to modify kernel number per plant maize cropped at contrasting sowing dates (Cirilo and (KNP) and to obtain a range of source-sink ratios. Pollination treat-Andrade, 1996) or with reductions in KNP at flowering ments altered KNP, and negative relationships were established bein a related species like sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) tween KW and KNP, with no differences between years. On the basis Moench; Kiniry, 1988), where significant differences in of regression analysis of the response of KW to changes in KNP, KW KW could not be attributed to the number of endoincreased between 0.09 to 0.28 mg kernel Ϫ1 per unit decrease in KNP, sperm cells. depending on stand density and genotype. The theoretical potential KW was independent of preanthesis plant population effects, which When maize source-sink ratio was altered only during affected ear growth significantly (P Ͻ0.01). Kernel weight was closely the effective grain-filling period (i.e., after the lag related to variations in kernel growth rate during the effective grainphase), KW varied in relation to the level of assimilate filling period (r 2 ϭ 0.84; P Ͻ0.001), and not to modifications in the (C1417DSE), Argentina. Received 11 Dec. 2000. *Corresponding author ( Abbreviations: DAS, d after silking; KNP, kernel number per plant; KW, kernel weight; TT, thermal time.