Jarosite flow-through dissolution experiments were conducted in ultrapure water (UPW), pH 2 sulfuric acid, and saturated NaCl and CaCl 2 brines at 295-298 K to investigate how hydrologic variables may affect jarosite preservation and reaction products on Mars. K + -based dissolution rates in flowing UPW did not vary significantly with flow rate, indicating that mineral surface reactions control dissolution rates over the range of flow rates investigated. In all of the solutions tested, hydrologic variables do not significantly affect extent of jarosite alteration; therefore, jarosite is equally likely to be preserved in flowing or stagnant waters on Mars. However, increasing flow rate did affect the mineralogy and accumulation of secondary reaction products. Iron release rates in dilute solutions increased as the flow rate increased, likely due to nanoscale iron (hydr)oxide transport in flowing water. Anhydrite formed in CaCl 2 brine flow-through experiments despite low temperatures, while metastable gypsum and bassanite were observed in batch experiments. Therefore, observations of the hydration state of calcium sulfate minerals on Mars may provide clues to unravel past salinity and hydrologic conditions as well as temperatures and vapor pressures.