This study determined whether courteous service communication may indirectly influence customer discretionary behavior (CDB). CDB was wried as any behavior a customer voluntarily performs, beyond purchasing products or sm'ces, which may be helpful or hamful to an otganitation. Specifically, it was hypothesized that courteous service would influence customer eualuatwns and mwd, which, in turn, would influence CDBs. Observational and surwy data were collected in two grocery stores. Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that courteous service had an indirect influence on customer commitment behaviors. Specifically, as cashiers displayed more courtesy, customers provided more positive evaluations of service and were ultimately more likely to recommend the store tofriends and shop at the store ifother stores are closer. H o r n , courteous service did not predict customer helpfulness. Courtesy also explained relatively little vvlriation overall in outcome variables. Therefore, efforts to improve customer outcomes should extend beyond improving the courtesy of service. Additional research is proposed to further assess the role of communication in customer service encounters. ur increasingly service-oriented economy poses a need to focus more attention on the most meaningful communication episode 0 for customers-the customer service encounter. As Bitner, Booms, and Tetreault (1990) explained it, the service encounter, or the "moment of interaction between the customer and the firm," often is the service from the perspective of the customer (p. 71). Customers routinely base their judgments of entire organizations on brief encounters with service providers that may begin and end within a minute's time. It follows, then, that closer attention to communication behaviors in service encounters is warranted, especially as those behaviors may have a meaningful impact on customers. This study examined the influence of service provider communication on customers. Wendy S. Z u b m Ford (Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1992) is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. This article is based on her doctoral dissertation. The author extends special thanks to her dissertation advisor, Raymond L. Faldone, and to the editor and anonymous reviewers, whose suggestions were most helpful.