Maufrais C, Millet GP, Schuster I, Rupp T, Nottin S. Progressive and biphasic cardiac responses during extreme mountain ultramarathon. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 310: H1340 -H1348, 2016. First published February 26, 2016 doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00037.2016.-Investigations on the cardiac function consequences of mountain ultramarathon (MUM) Ͼ100 h are lacking. The present study assessed the progressive cardiac responses during the world's most challenging MUM (Tor des Géants; Italy; 330 km; 24,000 m of cumulative elevation gain). Resting echocardiographic evaluation of morphology, function, and mechanics of left and right ventricle (LV and RV) including speckle tracking echocardiography was conducted in 15 male participants (46 Ϯ 13 yr) before (pre), during (mid; 148 km), and after (post) the race. Runners completed the race in 126 Ϯ 15 h. From pre to post, the increase in stroke volume (SV) (103 Ϯ 19 vs. 110 Ϯ 23 vs. 116 Ϯ 21 ml; P Ͻ 0.001 at pre, mid, and post) was concomitant to the increase in LV early filling (peak E; 72.9 Ϯ 15.7 vs. 74.6 Ϯ 13.1 vs. 82.1 Ϯ 11.5 cm/s; P Ͻ 0.05). Left and right atrial end-diastolic areas, RV end-diastolic area, and LV enddiastolic volume were 12-19% higher at post compared with pre (P Ͻ 0.05). Resting heart rate and LV systolic strain rates demonstrated a biphasic adaptation with an increase from pre to mid (55 Ϯ 8 vs. 72 Ϯ 11 beats/min, P Ͻ 0.001) and a return to baseline values from mid to post (59 Ϯ 8 beats/min). Significant correlations were found between pre-topost percent changes in peak E and LV end-diastolic volume (r ϭ 0.63, P Ͻ 0.05) or RV (r ϭ 0.82, P Ͻ 0.001) or atrial end-diastolic areas (r ϭ 0.83, P Ͻ 0.001). An extreme MUM induced a biphasic pattern of heart rate in parallel with specific cardiac responses characterized by a progressive increase in diastolic filling, biventricular volumes, and SV. IT IS WELL DOCUMENTED THAT prolonged intense exercise, such as a marathon or Ironman triathlon, transitorily alters cardiac function (7,13,20,22,23,28,42). A range of 3-15 h exercising induces transient left ventricular (LV) global systolic (20, 42) and diastolic (7,23,28) dysfunctions. This phenomenon, named exercise-induced cardiac fatigue (EICF), is generally associated with the release of biochemical markers of myocardial damage (13,22).Whereas the impact of races such as marathons or Ironman triathlons has been extensively described, few studies have explored cardiac function after ultraendurance exercise. After 24 -26 h of exercise, previous studies observed a depressed diastolic function (5,24,29,30,35). However, conflicting results were observed on systolic function because ejection fraction (EF) was either decreased (24, 29, 35) or unchanged (5, 30). Recently, we evaluated the cardiac function consequences of a mountain ultramarathon (MUM) (i.e., 38 Ϯ 5 h). It is important to note that an important decrease in velocity (e.g., large deceleration) has been reported in the MUM of the present study (34), caused by the combination of extreme distance and sleep d...