The purpose of this study was to perform the psychometric characteristics of type-D personality scale and comparision type-D personality among males and females in an Iranian normal population. The method used in the population was survey; containing 1348 students from universities . Of them, 400 participants with master's degree were randomly selected based on the Cocheran's formula (259 males and 141 females).The data collection tool was type-D personality scale. The results showed that the type-D personality scale had suitable reliability and ten items had acceptable validity in the normal community. Therefore, according to the results, only ten of its items can be used in Iranian community. In addition to these findings, this study showed that type-D personality rate and the negative affect were significantly higher in males than in females.
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Questionnaire, Student, Type-D Personality
Journal of Research & HealthSocial Development & Health Promotion Research Center Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan & Feb 2017 Pages: 545-550 DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jrh.7.1.545 Original Article