Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene transcription accounts for most of the RNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In eukaryotes, there are hundreds (to thousands) of rRNA genes tandemly repeated head-to-tail within nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) that span millions of basepairs. These nucleolar rRNA genes are transcribed by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) and their expression is regulated according to the physiological need for ribosomes. Regulation occurs at several levels, one of which is an epigenetic on/off switch that controls the number of active rRNA genes. Additional mechanisms then fine-tune transcription initiation and elongation rates to dictate the total amount of rRNA produced per gene. In this review, we focus on the DNA and histone modifications that comprise the epigenetic on/off switch. In both plants and animals, this system is important for controlling the dosage of active rRNA genes. The dosage control system is also responsible for the chromatinmediated silencing of one parental set of rRNA genes in genetic hybrids, a large-scale epigenetic phenomenon known as nucleolar dominance.Keywords epigenetic phenomena; RNA polymerase I; DNA methylation; cytosine methylation; histone methylation; histone deacetylation; histone deacetylase; transcription; ribosomal RNA; nucleolus; nucleolus organizer region
Large scale cytological effects of rRNA gene regulation: nucleolus and secondary constriction formationThe most prominent feature of a eukaryotic nucleus during interphase is the nucleolus (Figure 1), a region that contains relatively little chromosomal DNA but is rich in RNAs, proteins and ribonucleoprotein particles, including the large and small ribosome subunits as they undergo assembly [1][2][3]. The location of a nucleolus is not determined randomly; instead its formation is determined by the position of a discrete chromosomal locus known as a nucleolus organizer region, or NOR [4]. This fact was discovered based on an intriguing property: upon condensation of chromosomes at metaphase, NORs fail to condense to the same extent as surrounding chromosomal sequences and thus give rise to "secondary constrictions", with "primary constrictions" being defined as the centromeres (see Figure 1). Heitz initially noted that nucleoli form at, or very near, the sites of secondary constrictions [5] and McClintock soon thereafter obtained direct evidence [6]. She identified a maize line in which a chromosome break at or near the secondary constriction on chromosome 9, followed by translocation of one *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: pikaard@biology2.wustl.edu, phone: Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the conte...