“…For example (see, e.g., [18, p. 40]), f (z 1 , z 2 ) := (1, e z ) (from C to C 2 ) omits three moving hyperplanes Z 0 = 0, Z 1 = 0, e z Z 0 +Z 1 = 0 (z ∈ C, (Z 0 , Z 1 ) ∈ C 2 ), where these three moving hyperplanes are located in pointwise general position on C. However, f (z) := ρ( f (z)) (from C to P 1 (C)) is not a constant. Although a holomorphic mapping from C into P N (C) omitting 2N + 1 moving hyperplanes in pointwise general position may not be a constant, Tu and Li [17] extended Theorem 2.2 to the case of moving hyperplanes in pointwise general position and proved the following results. Theorem 2.3 (see [17]) Let F be a family of holomorphic mappings of a domain D in C n into P N (C), and H 1 (z), · · · , H 2N +1 (z) (z ∈ D) be 2N + 1 moving hyperplanes in P N (C) located in pointwise general position on D. If each f in F omits H j (z) (j = 1, · · · , 2N + 1) on D, then F is a normal family on D.…”