We review results on GKSL-type equations with multi-modal generators which are quadratic in bosonic or fermionic creation and annihilation operators. General forms of such equations are presented. The Gaussian solutions are obtained in terms of equations for the first and the second moments. Different approaches for their solutions are discussed.was developed in the works by I. A. Malkin, V. I. Man'ko and V. V. Dodonov [3,4,5]. Some modern studies on unitary dynamics with quadratic Hamiltonians could be found in works by A. M. Chebotraev and T. V. Tlyachov [7,8,9]. One of the main areas of application of quadratic multi-modal Hamiltonians is quantum optics, especially in case of parametric approximation (see Ref.[10], Ch. II, Ref. [11], Ch. 16, or Ref. [12], Sec. 7.1.2). Coherent states for multi-modal parametric systems were considered in Ref. [13]. Modern applications could be found in works by A. S. Chirkin et al [14,15,16,17,18,19]. Also quadratic Hamiltonians arise in opto-mechanical problems [20,21]. Another source of such Hamiltonians is the approximate quantization method by N. N. Bogolyubov [22]. (See also Ref. 80 for contemporary discussion.) Discussion of the unitary dynamics with non-stationary (time-dependent) Hamiltonians could be found in Refs.[24]- [26]. Physical applications of such Hamiltonians were discussed in Ref. [27]. Quantum evolution with a quadratic generator is also closely related to the classical one, which was studied in the general case by J. Williamson [28,29,30]. The quasi-classical approximation for squeezed states was discussed in Ref. [31]. More detailed bibliography for bosonic unitary evolution could be found in Refs. [5] and [32]. The fermionic case without dissipation was considered in Ref.[2] by F. A. Berezin. The unified approach both for the bosonic reversible dynamics and the fermionic one was considered by V. I. Man'ko and V. V. Dodonov.[33] We consider reversible (non-unitary) evolution with quadratic generators. From the historical point of view one should mention Ref.[34] by L. D. Landau, which is famous for the first appearance of the concept of the density matrix. What is interesting for this review is that equations for irreversible quantum evolution of the density matrix were also introduced there. As it was mentioned on p. 183 in Ref.[5] and in Sec. 23.1 of Ref. [35] in the harmonic oscillator case one has (in modern notation)ρ