The electrocardiogram is a graph recording of heart’s electric activity, so it is used in medical practice mainly in order to observe the heart’s activity. The values of the main components of the electrocardiogram in pregnant goats were determined within the current research. All of these were performed in three different stages of pregnancy (the beginning, the middle and the ending), being focused on the variation of these values during the pregnancy. The gestation diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound-exam. During the pregnancy, the following values for the duration of the main ECG’s components were found: the P wave (0.045-0.044 s), the P-R segment (0.061-0.048 s), of the P-R range (0.105-0.086 s), of the QRS complex (0.042-0.040 s), of the Q-T range (0.242-0.218 s), of the P-T range (0.377-0.368 s), of the R-R range (0.465-0.431 s), the T wave (0.091-0.104 s) and of the T-P segment (0.097-0.101 s). Our results show that during the pregnancy the duration of: the P wave, the P-R segment, the P-R range, the QRS complex, the Q-T range, the P-T range and the R-R range, decrease, while the duration of the T wave and the T-P segment increase.