Abstract. In 1975 Horikawa introduced a method of resolving singularities of double covers over a smooth surface, called the canonical resolution. Ashikaga gave a similar method for certain triple covers in 1992, and Tan constructed the canonical resolution for any triple covers in 2002. These methods are useful for the global or local study of branched covers of surfaces. In this paper, we consider similar resolution for 4-fold covers over a smooth surface, which is based on Lagrange's method to solve quartic equations. By using this method, we compute the Chern numbers c 2 1 and c 2 of certain 4-fold covers over a smooth projective surface.
IntroductionIn this paper, all varieties are defined over the field of complex numbers C. Let X and Y be normal projective varieties, and π : X → Y a finite surjective morphism. We call π (or X) a 4-fold cover of Y if deg π = 4. We denote the rational function fields of X and Y by C(X) and C(Y ), respectively. Under these circumstances,Let G be a finite group. If C(X)/C(Y ) is a Galois extension with Gal(C(X)/C(Y )) ∼ = G, then we simply call π a G-cover. We denote the branch locus of π by (π). Horikawa's canonical resolution [3] has been intensively used to study double covers. Triple covers are studied by many authors [1, 4, 7, 8, 9]. Among them, Tan's canonical resolution [8] is useful for the study of triple covers. However 4-fold covers are not well understood. In [10], Tokunaga studied S 4 -covers based on Lagrange's method of solving quartic equations, where S 4 is the symmetric group of degree four (this method is based on the symmetry of roots; see [6, pp. 266-270] for details). Our approach of 4-fold covers is based on [10].Throughout this paper, we assume that the base space Y is smooth. Let π : X → Y be a 4-fold cover. Then there is an element z of C(X) such that its minimal polynomial overwhere g i (i = 1, 2, 3) are elements of C(Y ). Let K be the Galois closure of C(X)/C(Y ). In this paper, we always assume that Gal( K/C(Y )) ∼ = S 4 (see Remark 4.1 for other cases).By [10], we obtain the diagram of the field extensions and the normalizations of Y as in Figure 1. Hereπ (respectively ϕ) is an S 4 -(respectively S 3 -) cover, ψ 1 is a double cover, ψ 2 is a cyclic triple cover, and ψ 3 is a bidouble cover (i.e. V 4 -cover, where V 4 := {id, (1 2)(3 4), (1 3)(2 4), (1 4)(2 3)} ∼ = (Z/2Z) ⊕2 ).