Image description is a great challenge in the field of computer vision under complex illumination condition. The complex illumination condition is usually unavoidable and unpredictable in real application. In this paper, we propose a novel generalized image descriptor, named as Anisotropy Weber Adapted Symmetric Ternary Pattern (AWASTP), which can overcome the directional inseparability of Weber Local Descriptor (WLD) and invariant threshold of Local Ternary Pattern (LTP). More particularly, we heighten the discriminative effectiveness of image description under complex illumination condition in several ways to restrain the effect of illumination variation. Firstly, a novel selection scheme for scale and angle is proposed. Based on this, an improved anisotropic Laplacian of Gaussian(ALOG) operator model is established by introducing the scale and angle parameter, moreover, an Anisotropic Weber Local Descriptor (AWLD) is presented, which can achieve more rich detailed information of illumination-insensitive feature. Secondly, an Adaptive Symmetric Ternary Pattern (ASTP) algorithm is proposed based on Weber criterion to generate more accurate threshold judgment according to the region characteristics. Thirdly, a twodimensional AWASTP histogram is created to enhance the discriminative power and represent illuminationinsensitive feature description. We conduct many experiments on benchmark databases, such as CMUPIE, FERET, PhoTex, RawFoot, and etc. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach under different illumination conditions.