During the last few years an increasing number of ideas concerning new heterostructure devices in micro-and optoelectronics was published (see, e. g. 11 to 41). For device modelling a detailed knowledge of the electronic parameters as band edges, charge densities, and subband energies is necessary. To describe more complicated structures, e. g. single and multiple quantum wells or adequate barriers, within this scheme one has to generalize the LDA. In this note we will show the principle way to construct the LDS according to an arbitrary potential. After formulating the general equations the proposed procedure will be illustrated by two examples.Firstly, we suppose some requirements on the appropriate LDS which have t o be realized from a general point of view. (ii) Because the potential V(?) is an electrostatic one in most applications, one has to demand naturally gauge invariance, that means D ( E , f ; V(?)) = D ( E + const, t; V(?) + const) . l ) PSF 327, DDR-6300 Ilmenau, GDR.