“…The participant notes how their identity traits carry different levels of race, citizenship, and sexuality deviate from the presupposed white heteronorm, which the Equality Act lends 'credibility' to as a form of difference in legislation. 63 "Erm, and I, I've got to say, there was a level at which, not agreed on the view, but thought, if I was on a date with someone, checking around before you kissed them to see if anyone's there, and definitely never hold hands with the person I'm going out with because in my head it's if I do that, there are gonna be ramifications of that, so it's not agreeing with the overwhelming view because you are complicit with it being you're not doing anything with it, and then Orlando happened and I was like 'yeah you know what, fuck that, I'm holding someone's hand in the street, how the fuck is that even hurting anyone? Oh yeah, it's not' and the scales completely fell off my eyes and I got really angry at myself for having let it affect me that much, still, there's a level of acceptance but its only with regard to certain things, I think, on the whole you can be gay but can you do it behind closed doors please because I don't want to look at it", (Gay man, 30)…”