A study has been made of electron density and total electron content in tubes of force near the knee in magnetospheric ionization. It was based on whistler observations made at Eights, Antarctica, in July and August 1963, under conditions of steady, moderate geomagnetic agitation (Kp = 2-4). During the period 0100-0400 LT, the electron density near the equatorial plane at a geocentric distance of 4 Rr drops a factor of 30-100 within a distance of less than 0.15 Rr. The corresponding change in tube content above 1 cm 2 at 1000 km is • factor of about 10 within less than a degree of latitude. The afternoon profiles are gen-erMly similar to the postmidnight results. In the afternoon the profiles are often well defined outside the knee, falling smoothly to about 1 el/cm 8 at 7 RE. Both the equatorial and tube content profiles show a definite repeatability between observations at a given local time and under conditions of moderate, steady geomagnetic agitation. DiurnM effects are evident, with amplitude differing from point to point on the profiles. The problem of the field-line distribution of ionization has been studied with a view to minimizing error in the profiles. Experimental and theoretical support has been found for using a diffusive-equilibrium distribution along the field lines inside the knee and a 'collisionless' model, behaving approximately as N• o: R -4, along the field lines outside the knee. A study of error shows that the uncertainty in individual points on the knee profiles is evewwhere less than a factor of ñ2, and on the content profiles less than • factor of ñ1.5.
•On leave from Escola Polit•cnica, Universidade de S•o Paulo, Brasil.Reference profile. As a reference for the results on the knee, we have calculated equatorialdensity and total-tube-content profiles corresponding to the whistler shown on the upper record in Figure 1. This event was recorded at about 0150 LT during extremely quiet planetary magnetic conditions, when the equatorial distance to the knee is expected to be large (see K-l). Thus the many components in the whistler represent a broad range of field-line paths inside the knee. Figure 2 shows the calculated equatorial profile of electron density; Figure 3, the corresponding profile of total electron content in a tube of force versus dipole latitude at 1000 km. The latter profile is calculated for a tube with cross section of 1 cm -ø at 1000 km altitude and extending from 1000 km to the equatorial plane.In Figures 2 and 3, and in many of the following figures, there are three types of data symbol, corresponding to three levels of precision in the measurements. The solid symbols represent highest precision; isolated open sym- 711