ÖZ Amaç: Yoğun bakım üniteleri, hastane enfeksiyonlarının ve dirençli mikroorganizmaların en yaygın görüldüğü hastane bölümleridir. Bu çalışmada; bir yıllık dönemde yoğun bakım ünitelerinde yatan hastalara ait çeşitli örneklerden izole edilen mikroorganizmaların tür dağılımı ve antibiyotik duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. ABSTRACT Objective: Intensive care units are a hospital's section where hospital infections and resistant microorganisms are most commonly seen. In this study it was aimed to determine the microorganisms which were isolated from various clinical specimens of the patients in intensive care units for a year and antibiotic susceptibility of the microorganisms. Materials and Methods: MALDI TOF MS and BD Phoenix system were used for the identification of bacteria, antibiotic sensitivities were evaluated by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and BD Phoenix system in accordance with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute recommendations. Results: In this study, a total of 1163 microorganisms were obtained; 575 (49.4%) gram-negative bacteria (GNB), 556 (47.8%) gram-positive bacteria (GPB) and 32 Candida spp. (2.7%). Strains were produced from blood (488), urine (233), respiratory tract (224), sterile body fluid (88), wounds (68) and catheter samples (62). The most frequently isolated GNBs were found to be Acinetobacter baumannii 131 (11.2%), Klebsiella pneumoniae 109 (9.3%), Escherichia coli 91 (7.8%) in order of frequency. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production was observed in 16 E. coli, 29 Klebsiella spp. Carbapenem resistance was identified in 132 Acinetobacter spp., 27