“…[21] Surgeries performed with general anesthesia involve multiple, In addition to the routine , multiple aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) such as bag-valve mask ventilation and intubation. [22] These AGPs have been associated with that promote nosocomial virus infections transmissioduring previous coronavirus epidemics.n [22,23] and accompany any surgery involving general anesthesia, [20] head Head and neck oncologic surgery often also often involves other additional, formal AGPs including such as nasogastric tube placement, tracheotomy, repeated endotracheal tube removal and replacement during total laryngectomy, and airway suctioning, which in some cases is continuous. [22] Routine use of cautery and suction in upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) surgery, such as transoral robotic surgery, is a continuous AGP.…”