The synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) derivatives in the presence of alkaline earth metal chlorides was reported. Specifically, the MgCl 2 catalyzed the synthesis of 1,4-DHP derivatives in good yields, ranging from 69 -87%. The Mg 2+ serves as the Lewis acid catalyst in the formation of 1,4-DHP and the proposed mechanism of the formation of 1,4-DHP was elaborated in this manuscript. There are many advantages employing MgCl 2 as a catalyst in this study, including inexpensive, ubiquitous availability of this metal, simple filtration protocol, which has spark considerable interest in the use of this catalyst in promoting organic reactions.Keywords: alkaline earth metal, magnesium chloride; 1,4-dihydropyridine Abstrak Sintesis terbitan 1,4-dihidropiridina (1,4-DHP) dalam kehadiran logam alkali bumi dibincangkan dalam artikel ini. Secara khususnya, sintesis terbitan 1,4-DHP melalui pemangkin MgCl 2 memberi peratusan hasil yang baik, dalam lingkungan 69 -87%. Ion Mg 2+ bertindak sebagai pemangkin asid Lewis dalam pembentukan 1,4-DHP dan cadangan mekanisma terhadap pembentukan 1,4-DHP telah dihuraikan dalam manuskrip ini. Terdapat banyak kelebihan menggunakan MgCl 2 sebagai pemangkin dalam kajian ini, termasuk kos yang murah, ketersediaan logam ini, protokol pengekstrakan yang mudah, yang mana ini telah mencetuskan minat yang besar dalam penggunaan pemangkin ini dalam pelbagai tindak balas organik.Kata kunci: logam alkali bumi, magnesium klorida, 1,4-dihydropiridin Introduction 1,4-dihydropyrdines (1,4-DHPs) are important classes of pharmaceutical compounds that are usually prescribed clinically for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, angina pectoris and hypertension [1]. In the pharmaceutical pipeline today, there are more than twelve 1,4-DHPs drug candidates commercially available in the global market, such as the nifedipine [2], felodipine [3], nicardipine [4] and etc., which were used to treat cardiovascular diseases.