A B S T R A C T The paper deals with the multi-axial fatigue strength of notched specimens made of 39NiCrMo3 hardened and tempered steel. Circumferentially V-notched specimens were subjected to combined tension and torsion loading, both in-phase and out-of-phase, under two nominal load ratios, R = −1 and R = 0, also taking into account the influence of the biaxiality ratio, λ = τ a /σ a . The notch geometry of all axi-symmetric specimens was a notch tip radius of 0.1 mm, a notch depth of 4 mm, an included V-notch angle of 90 • and a net section diameter of 12 mm. The results from multi-axial tests are discussed together with those obtained under pure tension and pure torsion loading on plain and notched specimens. Furthermore the fracture surfaces are examined and the size of nonpropagating cracks measured from some run-out specimens at 5 million cycles. Finally, all results are presented in terms of the local strain energy density averaged in a given control volume close to the V-notch tip. The control volume is found to be dependent on the loading mode.Keywords multiaxial fatigue; notch stress intensity factor (NSIF); strain energy density (SED); torsion loading; V-notched.
N O M E N C L A T U R E2α = V-notch included angle = Phase angle λ = Biaxiality ratio, τ a /σ a λ 1 = Eigenvalue of the mode I stress distribution, according to Williams's solution λ 3 = Eigenvalue of the mode III stress distribution ρ = Notch root radius σ a = Nominal stress amplitude referred to the net area of the specimens τ a = Nominal stress amplitude due to torsion loading (on the net area) σ A, τ A = Fatigue strength (in terms of stress amplitudes on the net area) at N A cycles to failure σ y = Yield stress σ y = Cyclic yield stress c np = Non-propagating crack length according to Yu, Tanaka and Akiniwa's model e 1 , e 3 = Parameters used for the energy density evaluation k = Inverse slope of the fatigue curves K 1 , K 3 = Mode I and mode III notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs) K th = Threshold value of the stress intensity factor K IIIsh th = Shielding stress intensity factor under mode III loading according to Yu et al. k 1 , k 3 = Non-dimensional factors used in the NSIF expressions Correspondence: P. Lazzarin.