We discuss what is known about homogeneous solutions u to the p− Laplace equation, p fixed, 1 < p < ∞, when (A) u is an entire p− harmonic function on Euclidean n space, R n , or (B) u > 0 is p− harmonic in the cone, K(α) = {x = (x 1 ,. .. , x n) : x 1 > cos α |x|} ⊂ R n , n ≥ 2, with continuous boundary value zero on ∂K(α) \ {0} when α ∈ (0, π]. We also outline a proof of our new result concerning the exact value, λ = 1 − (n − 1)/p, for an eigenvalue problem in an ODE associated with u when u is pharmonic in K(π) and p > n − 1. Generalizations of this result are stated. Our result complements work of Krol'-Maz'ya for 1 < p ≤ n − 1.