We consider the gauged model of
Floreanini-Jackiw chiral boson which is generated from the
chiral boson with parameter-free Faddeevian
anomaly. This model does not have manifestly Lorentz co-variant
structure. However, it is exactly solvable and has a physical
subspace that is precisely Lorentz invariant. The recommendation
of Mitra and Rajaraman makes this model gauge invariant in the
usual phasespace. Additionally, Wess-Zumino terms for this model
is constructed to make it gauge-invariant which
allows BRST embedding of the resulting gauge-invariant theory.
Despite the strange structural appearance of the models when
viewed in terms of Lorentz covariance BRST invariant reformulation
has been found possible. Additionally, it has been observed that
being supplemented with BRST symmetry, anti-BRST symmetry plays a
crucial role in pinpointing the specific symmetric physical