1. Introduction and summary. In the study of the structure of regular semigroups, it is customary to impose several conditions restricting the behaviour of ideals, idempotents or elements. In a few instances, one may represent them as subdirect products of some much more restricted types of regular semigroups, e.g., completely (0-) simple semigroups, bands, semilattices, etc. In particular, studying the structure of completely regular semigroups, one quickly distinguishes certain special cases of interest when these semigroups are represented as semilattices of completely simple semigroups. In fact, this semilattice of semigroups may be built in a particular way, idempotents may form a subsemigroup, Jf may be a congruence, and soon.Instead of making some arbitrary choice of these conditions, we consider, in a certain sense, the converse problem, by starting with regular semigroups which are subdirect products of a band and a semilattice of groups. This choice, in turn, may seem arbitrary, but it is a natural one in view of the following abstract characterization of such semigroups: they are bands of groups and their idempotents form a subsemigroup. It is then quite natural to consider various special cases such as regular semigroups which are subdirect products of: a band and a group, a rectangular band and a semilattice of groups, etc. For each of these special cases, we establish (a) an abstract characterization in terms of completely regular semigroups satisfying some additional restrictions, (b) a construction from the component semigroups in the subdirect product, (c) an isomorphism theorem in terms of the representation in (b), (d) a relationship among the congruences on an arbitrary regular semigroup which yield a quotient semigroup of the type under study.Using the following abbreviations: B-bands; SG-semilattices of groups; L-left zero semigroups; R-right zero semigroups; S-semilattices; G-groups; 1-one element semigroups, we consider regular semigroup subdirect products of these according to the diagram below.This leads us to classes of semigroups for which we introduce the following abbreviations: V-a variety of bands; UVG-semigroups 5 for which $e is a congruence, S/Jfe V, and the idempotents form a unitary subset of S; M-rectangular bands; CRISN-completely regular semigroups whose idempotents form a strongly normal subband (defined in §2); CRILSNare CRISN with left added in front of" strongly "; CRUSN-are CRISN whose idempotents form a unitary subset; CRTJLSN-conjunction of the last two. In addition we adopt from [5]: ISBG-bands of groups whose idempotents form a subsemigroup. Thus, we call a congruence p on a semigroup S an A'-congruence if Sjp is in class X, e.g., for X = G, a group congruence, for X = S, a semilattice congruence (should not be confused with the letter S which usually denotes a semigroup).