This paper is devoted to the problem of where the critical points of a polynomial are relative to their zeros. Classical and new developments are surveyed along with illustrative examples. The paper finishes with a short proof of the sector theorem of Sendov and Sendov.This paper surveys some of the results regarding the location of the critical points of polynomials. A short proof will also be given for the beautiful recent sector theorem of B. Sendov and H. Sendov.The topic is very old, the most classical references are [30] by E. B. Van Vleck, [14] by M. Marden, [17] by Q. I. Rahman and G. Schmeisser and [24] by T. Sheil-Small. We shall however, also touch many newer developments that are not included in those works. We also mention the recent survey paper [21] by T. Richards that discusses some of the topics to be dealt with below.