(Ferry, 1995;Kim & Hegeman, 1983;Meyer & Schlegel, 1983), homoacetogenic bacteria (Conrad, 1996;Ferry, 1995), phototrophic bacteria (Conrad, 1996;Ferry, 1995), methanotrophic bacteria (Bedard & Knowles, 1989) and methanogenic bacteria (Zeikus et al., 1985) (see Supplementary Table S1, available in IJSEM Online), as well as algae (Chappelle, 1962) and fungi (Inman & Ingersoll, 1971).Carboxydobacteria are a group of aerobic bacteria that can grow aerobically on CO as the sole source of carbon and energy (Kim & Hegeman, 1983;Meyer & Schlegel, 1983). Our previous studies have focused on carboxydobacteria able to grow at high CO concentrations (300 000 p.p.m.), but, in this study, we have isolated and characterized a novel carboxydobacterium able to grow at a low CO concentration (400 p.p.m.).
Strain Y8T was isolated from soil collected from a roadside in Seoul, Korea. For the enrichment of aerobic bacteria growing on a low concentration of CO, a primary enrichment was established using 20 g (fresh weight) samples of soil that were transferred into 500 ml flasks and incubated under 400 p.p.m. CO in air for 2 weeks at 30 u C. Secondary enrichment was initiated by transferring The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain Y8T is EF114314.A list of CO-utilizing bacteria, an HPLC trace of the menaquinones of strain Y8T , a scanning electron micrograph of aerial mycelium of strain Y8T and a comparison of its fatty acid profile with those of related strains are available as supplementary material with the online version of this paper.