It has been often observed that Kähler geometry is essentially a U(1) gauge theory whose field strength is identified with the Kähler form. However it has been pursued neither seriously nor deeply. We argue that this remarkable connection between the Kähler geometry and U(1) gauge theory is a missing corner in our understanding of quantum gravity. We show that the Kähler geometry can be described by a U(1) gauge theory on a symplectic manifold with a slight generalization. We derive a natural Poisson algebra associated with the Kähler geometry we have started with. The quantization of the underlying Poisson algebra leads to a noncommutative U(1) gauge theory which arguably describes a quantized Kähler geometry. The Hilbert space representation of quantized Kähler geometry eventually ends in a zero-dimensional matrix model. We then play with the zero-dimensional matrix model to examine how to recover our starting point-Kähler geometry-from the backgroundindependent formulation. The round-trip journey suggests many remarkable pictures for quantum gravity that will open a new perspective to resolve the notorious problems in theoretical physics such as the cosmological constant problem, hierarchy problem, dark energy, dark matter and cosmic inflation. We also discuss how time emerges to generate a Lorentzian spacetime in the context of emergent gravity.