1. In [6] N. Wiener has introduced the quasi-Tauberian method to prove some problems concerning the summability of Fourier series and integrals by Cesaro sums, which had been proposed and solved partially by Hardy and Littlewood and completely by L. S. Bosanquet and R. Paley [1], [2]. He gave there some problems to which it is desirable to apply the quasi-Tauberian method. G. Sunouchi has given some applications to the summability of the conjugate or derived Fourier series etc. We show in this note that Wiener's method is also applicable to the summability of Fourier series by Riesz's logarithmic means, though F. T. Wang has solved this problem by another method. Now let f{f) be a summable and periodic function with period 27Γ, and let oo (1,1) f(t) ~~ a o /2 + Σ (α Λ cos nt + 6 n sin nt). n=lThe Fourier series (1,1) is said to be summable (i?, ct), for t = x, to sum s, provided Rl = -f + (log^ Σ (log -J-j (α n cos nx 4-δ w sin nx)tends to a limit 5, when ω->oo.
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