In this article, we define the m-prismatic site and the m-q-crystalline site, which is a higher level analogue of the prismatic site and the qcrystalline site respectively. We prove a certain equivalence between the category of crystals on the m-prismatic site (resp. the m-q-crystalline site) and that on the prismatic site (resp. the q-crystalline site), which can be regarded as the prismatic (resp. the q-crystalline) analogue of the Frobenius descent due to Berthelot and the Cartier transform due to Ogus-Vologodsky, Oyama and Xu. We also prove the equivalence between the category of crystals on the m-prismatic site and that on the (m − 1)q-crystalline site. Contents 5 Relation with the results of Xu, Gros-Le Stum-Quirós and Morrow-Tsuji 41 References 47