The Keldysh formalism is capable of describing driven-dissipative dynamics of open quantum systems as non-unitary effective field theories which are not necessarily thermodynamical, thus often exhibiting new physics. Here we introduce a general Keldysh action that maximally obeys Weinbergian constraints including locality, Poincaré invariance, and two "CPT" constraints: Complete Positivity and Trace preserving as well as Charge, Parity, and Time reversal symmetry. We find that the perturbative Lindblad term responsible for driven-dissipative dynamics hence introduced has the natural form of a double-trace deformation O 2 which, in the large N limit, possibly leads to a new, non-unitary, and non-thermal conformal fixed point. This fixed-point is IR when ∆ < d/2 or UV when ∆ > d/2 given ∆ the scaling dimension of O. Such a UV fixed point being not forbidden by Weinbergian constraints may suggest its existence and even completion of itself, in contrast to the commonsense that dissipation effects are always IR-relevant. This observation implies that driven-dissipative dynamics is much richer than thermodynamics, differing in not only its non-compliance with thermodynamic symmetry (e.g., the fluctuation-dissipation relation) but its UV/IR relevance as well. Examples including a (0 + 1)-d harmonic oscillator under continuous measurement and a (4 − )-d classic O(N ) vector model with quartic interactions are studied.