Recently, ten knowledge areas (KAs) of project management have been published by the PMBOK® Guide. They comprise specific skills and experiences to ensure accomplishing project goals, and include management of: integration, scope, cost, time, quality, communications, procurement, risk, human resources and stakeholders. This research paper focuses on the ten required KAs for a project manager or a project to be successful. It aims at applying the Softcomputing modeling techniques to describe the relations between the 47 processes and the KAs. Such a model will enable users to predict the overall competencies of the project management. Thus, it provides an assessment tool to envisage, visualize and indicate the overall performance and competency of a project.The proposed Softcomputing Knowledge Areas Model (SKAM) is a two-stage model. The first stage involves ten models. Each model describes relations between a specific KA and its related processes. The outputs of these ten models will feed into the second stage that will represent the relationship between all the ten KAs and the overall predicted competencies of a project. A combination of Subtractive Clustering and Neurofuzzy modeling techniques are used. Three measures are used to validate the adequacy of the models: the mean average percentage errors, the correlation coefficient and the maximum percentage errors. The highest achieved values for these measures are0.5751, 0.9999 and 4.7283, respectively. However, although the preliminary findings of the proposed SKAM model are promising, more testing is still required before declaring the adequacy of applying the Softcomputing modeling approach in the project management field.