Even though critical thinking has been included in education system in Indonesia, it is unlikely to be widely implemented in teaching-learning processes in all levels of education in this country. Indonesian ELT (English Language Teaching) can actually play a role in promoting critical thinking in education. However, the development of ELT in this country since colonial to present era does not seem to facilitate students' critical thinking skill. This article presents historical perspective with regard to ELT and critical thinking. The first part reviews the history of Indonesian education which did not promote critical thinking, followed by the historical development of Indonesian ELT. The third part discusses socio-political condition which could be partly solved by promoting critical thinking in education and society. The final part suggests incorporation of critical thinking into English textbooks as ELT can also be used as a vehicle for teaching critical thinking.
Keywords: historical perspective, critical thinking, Indonesian education, ELT textbooksMeskipun berpikir kritis telah dimasukan ke dalam tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia, berpikir kritis sepertinya belum diterapkan secara luas dalam proses pembelajaran di seluruh tingkat pendidikan di negeri ini. Pendidikan bahasa Inggris (ELT) sebenarnya dapat memainkan peran penting dalam mempromosikan berpikir kritis. Namun perkembangan ELT di negeri ini sejak zaman penjajahan hingga saat ini belum mendorong siswa untuk berpikir kritis. Artikel ini menyajikan perspektif sejarah tentang ELT dan berpikir kritis. Bagian pertama membahas sejarah pendidikan di Indonesia yang tidak mempromosikan berpikir kritis, diikuti oleh sejarah perkembangan ELT di Indonesia. Bagian ketiga membahas kondisi sosial-politik yang kemungkinan dapat diselesaikan dengan mempromosikan berpikir kritis di pendidikan. Bagian