“…Marine records of terrigenous material in sediments from the western Mediterranean basin: KSGC-31 site (Jalali et al, 2016); MD99-2343 site (Frigola et al, 2007);305G, 306G, 384B and 436B sites (NietoMoreno et al, 2011305G, 306G, 384B and 436B sites (NietoMoreno et al, , 2013a305G, 306G, 384B and 436B sites (NietoMoreno et al, , 2013b; DP30 site (Goudeau et al, 2014(Goudeau et al, , 2015. References of published cores and archaeological surveys: for Verteil core, Allinne et al (2006) for ESC1 core, Devillers and Bonnet (2006) for VIL2 core, Excoffon et al (2006) and Devillers et al (2007) for Théâtre d'agglomération T2 archaeological survey, Excoffon et al (2010) for Villa Romana archaeological survey, Bony et al (2011) for FIX, FXI andSC6 cores, Bertoncello et al (2014a) for PL1 and PAL1 cores, Bertoncello et al (2016) for La Plaine T1-T3 archaeological survey. (Grimm, 1987).…”