Fracture diagnostics is a key technology for well performance prediction of a horizontal well in a shale reservoir. The combination of multiple fracture diagnostic techniques gives reliable results, and temperature data has potential to provide more reliability on the results. In this work, we show an application of a temperature prediction model for a horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures in order to investigate the possibility of evaluating reservoir and hydraulic fracture parameters using temperature data. The model consists of wellbore model and reservoir model. Sensitivity studies were performed on temperature distribution to identify influential parameters out of the reservoir and hydraulic fracture parameters including reservoir porosity, reservoir permeability, fracture half-length, fracture height, fracture permeability, fracture porosity, fracture network parameters, and fracture interference between multiple clusters. In this work, in order to find contributions by a target fracture, temperature change sensitivity is evaluated. Single fracture case reveals that fracture permeability, network fracture parameters and fracture geometries are primary influential parameters on temperature change at the fracture location. And also, multiple fractures case shows that temperature change is augmented with the increase of fracture geometry and is decreased with the increase of fracture permeability. These results show the possibility of using temperature to determine these sensitive parameters, and also the