This paper presents a systematic kinetic characterization of a low pressure high power hydrogen plasma. The plasma physics is described with a global model coupled to a homogeneous kinetic model for hydrogen. This model involves reactions which describe the vibrational and electronic excited kinetics of H 2 , the positive H + ,H + 2 ,H + 3 and negative (H − ) ion kinetics and the H chemistry. This enables the estimation of the particle density and the electron temperature and their evolutions as a function of power (1-100 kW) and pressure (0.3-4 Pa). These very specific plasma conditions involve physical phenomena not occurring in more usual plasmas, such as gas depletion. To account for this gas depletion, we incorporate in the global model both the H neutral heat equation to calculate the H temperature, and the gas pumping. Indeed, the gas depletion is mainly due to H atom heating leading to a higher pumping loss for H atoms. The consideration of the gas depletion allows us to obtain similar behaviors to the experiments when varying power and pressure. From an accurate analysis of the main formation and destruction pathways for each particle, the species kinetics is discussed and a simplified kinetic model that may be used to describe the non-equilibrium plasma in the negative source for ITER is proposed. Finally, the results point to strong coupling existing between the H atom wall recombination coefficient γ H and the gas depletion. An increase of γ H reduces the gas depletion, affecting the electron temperature and the electron density as well as the whole plasma kinetics.