“…We mainly compare security and storage overhead through two tables. We compare the security of our six schemes ("Con.1+ [28,29]," "Con.2+ [28]," "Con.3+ [28,29]," "Con.1+ [30,31]," "Con.2+ [30]," and "Con.3+ [30,31]") with other RIBS schemes in Table 1, in terms of whether it has forward security (FS), whether it is signing key exposure resistance (SKER), whether it is under the standard model or the random oracle model (SD/RO), whether it is existential unforgeability or strong unforgeability (SU/EU), whether it is resistant to quantum attacks (RQA), whether it is adaptive or not adaptive, and what difcult problems (DPs) are these schemes based on. We list in Table 2 space cost of our six schemes and other RIBS schemes in terms of mpk(|mpk|sk I D (|sk I D |)), uk t (|uk t |), and signature (|S|).…”