An unsolicited means of digital communications in the internet world is the spam email, which could be sent to an individual or a group of individuals or a company. These spam emails may cause serious threat to the user i.e., the email addresses used for any online registrations may be collected by the malignant third parties (spammers) and they expose the genuine user to various kinds of attacks. Another method of spamming is by creating a temporary email register and receive emails that can be terminated after some certain amount of time. This method is well suited for misusing those temporary email addresses for sending free spam emails without revealing the spammers real account details. These attacks create major problems like theft of user credentials, lack of storage, etc. Hence it is essential to introduce an efficient detection mechanism through feature extraction and classification for detecting spam emails and temporary email addresses. This can be accomplished through a novel Natural Language Processing based Random Forest (NLP-RF) approach. With the help of our proposed approach, the spam emails are reduced and this method improves the accuracy of spam email filtering, since the use of NLP makes the system to detect the natural languages spoken by people and the Random Forest approach uses multiple decision trees and uses a random node for filtering the spams.