Abstract. It has been shown that nonimmune, human immunoglobulins are bound to the surface of certain strains of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. We describe a novel way of enriching parasitized red blood cells (pRBC) for immunoglobulin binding/rosette formation using Dynabeads coated with antibodies raised against human immunoglobulins. Whole P. falciparum cultures were mixed with the precoated beads for approximately 120 min at room temperature, and the bound pRBC were isolated by magnetic force. The nonbound cell fraction contained ringinfected pRBC, immunoglobulin-negative, trophozoite-infected pRBC, and uninfected erythrocytes. A consistent elevation in the immunofluorescence and rosette formation rates of 100% and 86% respectively, was detected after the first enrichment and subcultivation. Protein A or G were also found to support binding of pRBC through surfaceexpressed immunoglobulin. The Dynabead technique is a novel way of enriching pRBC based on the immunoglobulinbinding capacity of the infected erythrocyte.Severe malaria is the cause of death of several million individuals each year, primarily due to cerebral malaria and to anemia. It is generally agreed that excessive sequestration of infected and uninfected erythrocytes (cytoadherence and rosette formation) is the primary reason for the vascular obstruction seen at autopsy in these patients.1-3 Minute electron-dense excrescences on the infected erythrocyte surface (knobs) have been found to mediate the attachment of parasitized erythrocytes to endothelial cells and to uninfected erythrocytes.3 An electron-dense fibrillar structure, which is involved in the binding and contains immunoglobulins M or M and G, is found at the knobs. 3 Based on this knowledge, we have developed a novel method for the enrichment of immunoglobulin-binding, infected erythrocytes using antiimmunoglobulin-coated magnetic beads.
Parasites.The Plasmodium falciparum strains TM284 and the 3D7.2 were cultured according to standard procedures with 10% AB ϩ Rh ϩ serum added to the buffered medium (malaria incomplete medium; RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with HEPES (Gibco, Paisley, Scotland), gentamycin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), and sodium bicarbonate (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The TM284 strain, which forms rosettes and binds both IgG and IgM on the surface of the pRBC, was isolated in 1990 from a Thai patient with cerebral malaria. 3 The P. falciparum strain 3D7.2 is a rosette-forming, non-immunoglobulin-binding clone, which originally had a very low rate of rosette formation, but was enriched for rosette formation using micromanipulation in which single rosettes were isolated with a micropipette (Sundström A, Fernandez V, and others, unpublished data).Estimation of rosette formation rate. The parasites were stained with one drop (10 g/ml) of acridine orange to determine parasitemia, and counted in a Nikon (Tokyo, Japan) Optiphot-2 UV microscope using a 10ϫ ocular and a 40ϫ lens. The rosette formation rate was calculated as the number of rosette-f...